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   Why it is with the normal name of Postsript-Fonts (.pfb)

   not possibly, fat and, to select diagonally?
Solution of Christian Beck - 02.03.97:

   FinalWriter looks when dialing of fat, diagonally etc after that

   Font with the Endungens _bold, _italic etc

Comment of Heiko Schr�der - 12.12.97:
   You avoid the problem for example quite simply. Name the verschie -

   those writing-slices of a font about:

   LatienneSwaT-Regu.pfb | LatienneSwaT
   LatienneSwaT-ReguItal.pfb |_____\> LatienneSwaT_Italic

   LatienneSwaT-Bold.pfb |\> LatienneSwaT_Bold
   LatienneSwaT-BoldItal.pfb | LatienneSwaT_BoldItalic

   Already FW recognizes the different writing-cuts automatically and

   this loads automatically.

Update: Notice yourself following writing-slices:

            Book |
            Book |
            Finely |

            Easily |
            Light |----\> normally (no Endung)
            Meagerly |
            Medium |
            Regular |

            Novel |
            Thin |
            UltraLight |

       (... )Italic |
       (... )Kursiv |----\> italic (_italic)
       (... )Oblique |

           (Ultra)Black |
           (Extra)Bold |
            Compact |
            Demi |
           (Halb)Fett |----\> bold (_bold)

            Heavy |
            Posters |
            Semi(Bold) |
            Ultra |

            Broadly |
           (Ultra)Condensed |

            Narrowly |----\>, not to classify,
            Extend |
            Narrowly |

      Info from: Turtschi, Ralf,: Practical typography, Niggli INC., 

                 CH-Sulgen - ISBN 3-7212-0292-9

Converted on 21 Feb 1998 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by
Michael Ranner.